ALPP Solicitation Disclosure
Initially, The Lord’s Prayer Project is using the GoFundMe Crowdfunding Platform to raise the necessary funding to launch and expand. Thereafter, we will seek major corporate sponsors and use other charitable funding platforms and traditional methods of on-going support for The Lord’s Prayer Project.
We plan to file for a 501(c)3 organization status in the near future. Many States require organizations soliciting funds within a State to register with the State agency responsible for regulating those non-profit organizations. The Lord’s Prayer Project plans to register in each State where it is required to do so. As a faith-based, religious organization, some States exempt our ministry from solicitation registration.
Upon obtaining our 501(c)(3) status, and all direct gifts will be tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Until that time, support will be raised through our GoFundMe campaign, which is NOT tax deductible. The Lord’s Prayer Project is committed to being audited annually by an independent public accounting firm, and our audited financial statements will be available upon request at: The Lord’s Prayer Project, 526 W 14th St., #226, Traverse City, MI 49684, Attention Finance Department, or by writing to
Upon obtaining out 501(3) status, The Lord’s Prayer Project intends on becoming a member of the Evangelical Council
for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and is committed to their Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship.
The ALP Project was founded, and is professionally managed by JR Nash, a former CEO of Christian Care
Until The Amplified Lord’s Prayer Project obtains its 501(c)3 status, 100% of the funding through our GoFundMe
campaign will be deposited into a segregated account and go toward the further development and expansion of
our website and related endeavors. Unaudited financial statements will be available to all donors, by request.
The Amplified Lord’s Prayer
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